Spare a thought for this woman who was left with Angry Bird eyebrows after a botched brow wax

That’s one big “yeah, nah” from us
One poor woman in the UK has been left with the botched brow job of the century after her eyebrow wax was carried out by a young trainee.
Colline Rees of South Wales popped into her usual salon to have her brows done before a holiday and when her usual go-to beautician was preoccupied, she took an appointment with the salon’s trainee instead, The Sun reported.
After the waxing was done, the trainee said she was going to add some pencil to Rees’s brows, which prompted Rees to take a look in the mirror. And what did she see?
Most of her left eyebrow was GONE. And not just gone in the sense that it was just waxed too thin in a ‘90s-esque pencil brow… a chunk was actually missing – from the centre of her brow.
But hold onto your hats folks ‘cause it gets way worse…
A second beautician in the salon attempted to step in and save the day by offering to tint Rees’s skin to fill in the space.
The result?
Actual Angry Bird eyebrows.
Yeah, not exactly a look we’d sign up for willingly at any time of the year, let alone right before a big holiday when you’re wanting to look your best for photos!
We’re not sure there’s much coming back from this level of beauty disaster. Eek!
Check them out for yourself here.
If you're interested in reading up on some less extreme beauty fails (and making sure you're not doing them yourself!), check out our story on common beauty fails here.
Do you have any beauty-treatment-gone-wrong horror stories to share? Let us know in the comments.
Main image credit: Getty

Isobel is a Digital Content Editor at BEAUTYcrew, marie claire and InStyle. When she's not busy hunting for the latest beauty news, you’ll find her arranging her skincare collection in search of the perfect “shelfie.” Isobel was previously BEAUTYcrew's Junior Beauty Writer.