Ever considered henna eyebrow tinting?
Here’s everything you need to know
Today there are now more eyebrow treatment options than ever before. And while we’re pretty spoilt for choice, there’s no denying that navigating the brow market can be CONFUSING – from microblading to feathering, tinting and brow tattooing, there are so many different options to consider.
But one treatment you might not have heard of is henna eyebrow tinting. Yep – we’re talking about the same kind of tattooing that’s used for body art and temporary tattoos. With henna you can temporarily tint your eyebrows and ditch the whole pencils and powders thing every morning.
Sound good? Here’s what you need to know.
What is henna eyebrow tinting?
Henna tinting is basically a treatment that involves staining the skin and brow hair, but it’s different from the usual eyebrow dye you’d use during eyebrow tinting. “It’s not a dye that has peroxide like regular brow tinting. It’s all natural and derived from plants,” says professional brow artist Amy Jean from Amy Jean Brow Agency. “Because it is all natural, it is safe to use on the majority of skin types.”
“Some people are anxious over the permanency of brow tattooing, which is why henna tinting is a wonderful option to test the waters! It is a nice way to trial a shape and colour then make up your mind if you want to work up to something more permanent. It also saves the time spent applying makeup in the mornings,” ads Amy Jean.
Performed by a qualified brow artist, henna tinting is a great no-fuss option for natural, polished-looking brows. Just take a look at this before and after photo for an insight into the results you can expect:
What’s involved?
“We simply mix the henna powder with water to a desired depth of colour and soak the skin and hair in the pre-determined shape. The processing time is longer than regular tinting. Usually 10 to 15 minutes and there is a vast array of tones to choose from,” says Amy Jean.
“We’ve started to use a two-step procedure with colouring brows at Amy Jean Brow Agency. For people who need more definition we use henna tinting on the base of the skin, to cast a shadow behind the hairs, then combing regular brow tint through the hairs sitting above. This is so the hairs themselves are dyed more effectively. It’s becoming a very popular combination.”
How long does henna brow tinting last?
Depending on your skin type and lifestyle, henna tinting usually lasts between two to three weeks. “If someone is oily or uses very ‘active’ ingredients in their skin care, the colour will fade away faster,” says Amy Jean.
How much does it cost?
So, how much will a henna eyebrow tint set you back? Amy Jean says it’s usually performed after an in-house brow sculpting session: “We don’t charge extra for henna but some salons may. $75 includes wax, tweeze, shaping and henna tinting,” she says of her own pricing.
‘Is there a clinic that performs henna brow tint near me?’ We hear you ask. Well, henna brow tinting is still a relatively new treatment, so you may have to hunt around for a reputable salon. We recommend checking out Amy Jean Brow Agencies or Kristin Fisher Eyebrows.
If you’re tossing up whether to go down the DIY route and purchase a henna kit online, we would recommend steering away from this type of eyebrow tinting at home. “The accuracy of the tint is vital to the shape as the consistency of the tint is like a powdery water. If someone was quite artistic they may be able to achieve a good result with henna at home,” says Amy Jean.
What to look out for
As with any cosmetic treatment, it’s crucial to do your research before undergoing a henna brow tint procedure. Professional brow artist Jazz Pampling from Jazz Pampling says, “Be aware that henna often comes in warm tone shades, so undertones of reds and orange are very common. There are some people who can do ashy tone colours, but not many artists can achieve this. This is because it’s still new to the industry and people are still learning how to use it.”
Pampling says that seeing an inexperienced brow technician can result in blocky or intense brows that look unnatural. “Some artists use it to make it look like there is hair in places where there isn’t any. This ultimately won't look natural, simply because without hair, the texture is missing and it can look odd. Don't try and re-create a whole new brow, but rather work with what you have,” she recommends.
“It’s okay to have some gaps in your brow - letting the skin underneath shine through is okay, it’s how brows are naturally,” adds Pampling.
In order to avoid a bad experience, make sure the person working on you is qualified and reputable before you let them near your brows. We also recommend looking at samples of their clients’ before and after photos.
Looking for more brow treatments? Check out some of the other professional brow treatments, including everything you need to know about microblading.
Have you tried henna eyebrow tinting before? Let us know your experience in the comment section below.
Main image credit: Getty

Erin Docherty is a Beauty Writer for BEAUTYcrew, Beauty Editor for Women's Health magazine and a Grooming Writer for Men's Health magazine. She has a keen interest in cosmeceutical skin care and is currently working on minimising her 9-step skin care routine – because ain’t nobody got time for that. When she’s not writing about the latest beauty news, or applying copious amounts of serum, you can find her spending all her money in Sephora.
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