Here's what the cast of 'The Saddle Club' looks like in 2022

Hello world, this is them (now)
By Team BEAUTYcrew
May 31 2022
We don't care where we are, how old we are, or who we're with; if we hear three taps of that little chime bell, we're launching into a rendition of 'Hello World' that would rival the original. Okay, we're lying; nothing could stand up to something of that quality, but we'll definitely try.
The Saddle Club is truly the epitome of iconic Australian television. It had everything: phenomenal female friendships, extremely cute guys of all ages (no wonder our mums agreed to watch with us; hi Max), and of course, plenty of horses and plenty of heart.
It was packed with drama and romance, too; the snake episode still lives rent-free in our fears, every fall was more tragic than Romeo and Juliet, and we've never felt more alive than when (spoiler alert, kind of; the episode aired in 2001) Stevie kissed Phil. Swoon alert.
But while Spotify puts no respect on the show's name (and none of the albums are available to stream; an outrage), you can watch the whole series on Stan. Apparently there was even a third one five years after our faves departed – who knew...
Also, Chris Hemsworth was in it before we even knew what a 'Chris Hemsworth' was, and if that's not a reason to re-watch, we don't know what is.
Still pining for Pine Hollow like us? Enjoy this trail ride down memory lane – here's what the cast of The Saddle Club looks like all these years later...

Main image credit: ABC
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