Sally Obermeder’s healthy eating habits
By Contributor
marie claire / March 03 2020

Plus, what a day on her plate looks like
By Contributor
marie claire / March 03 2020
Plus what a day on her plate looks like
After a battle with an aggressive form of breast cancer, co-host of Channel 7’s afternoon show The Daily Edition, Sally Obermeder and her sister, Maha Koraiem, took a look at their health and decided to shake things up.
Embracing the world of smoothies led them to write their first cookbook, Super Green Smoothies last year. Since then they have released another book, The Good Life, which focuses on their overall approach to food and wellness – nourishing, fresh, balanced meals that will bring you to your well best.
To learn from their secrets to healthy success, we sat down with the sister duo to find out what a day on their plate looks like, plus their guilty pleasures!
What does a day of clean eating look like for you?
SALLY: “If I’m not racing out the door to head to work, I’ll make our lemon and thyme haloumi, which I eat on Sonoma Bakery’s olive sourdough – my favourite. Maha loves scrambled eggs, which she does with just three ingredients (and it’s skinny scrambled eggs). For lunch, we love to make salads filled with leafy greens and lean proteins that you can pre-make the night before in a mason jar to take to work and eat on the go. For dinner, we stick to the standard formula – heaps of vegies, some protein and some carbs.”
If you could encourage someone to make one healthy change in their life, what would it be?
MAHA: “We would say, ‘Be good to yourself ’. It’s not an ‘all or nothing’ approach. It’s about balance – nurturing your body with clean, lean, wholefood 80 per cent of the time, and allowing yourself a little indulgence for the other 20 per cent. Don’t deny yourself whole food groups or dessert – we always say life’s too short not to have the chocolate tart.”
What do you cook when you don’t feel like cooking?
SALLY: “When we don’t feel like cooking we just get takeaway, of course! I feel like takeout food is too often seen as the diet ‘enemy’. But the reality is, there isn’t always going to be time to put a homemade meal on the table. I love Asian food and, let’s be honest, pizza is always a winner.”
What’s your superfood love?
SALLY: “I know there are a lot of new superfoods out at the moment, but I still can’t go past chia seeds. Aside from the fact that they’re packed full of nutrition, they’re also filling and taste delicious. I make chia puddings all the time. But there is one newbie on the block that we’re very keen on: norbu. It’s not a superfood per se, but it is a natural sweetener [derived] from monk fruit, which is a green melon that grows in Asia. It has a really lovely flavour when used to make cookies or jam.”



For more healthy eating inspiration, check out our tips for how to make your breakfast work harder for you.
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Image credits: Getty, @sallyobermeder, @maha_koraiem