ICYMI: June is Acne Awareness Month

And we're putting the spotlight on spots...

Content Producer / June 28 2024

As June comes to an end, we're shining a spotlight on the month that was: Acne Awareness Month. Yep, this whole month was dedicated to raising awareness for the plight of the pimply. Okay more than that, the month draws attention to the dos and don'ts when you're experiencing a troublesome breakout. And of course, bringing to light the fact that problematic skin is completely normal. With some of the biggest stars suffering with the issue too (Riverdale co-stars Madelaine Petsch and Lili Reinhart both spoke out about their journeys). 

Acne Awareness Month

If you were a teen blessed with smooth skin, we want you to just know we all envied you. But hey, smooth skin as a teen doesn't mean you're in the clear. With adult acne on the rise, we're all one stressful day away from a hormonal breakout. Okay, maybe we're being dramatic, but when pimples pop up, dramatic is the only acceptable response, until of course it's time to get down to some serious skin care business. 

Of course, we know it's tricky navigating the world when you've got acne concerns at the back of your mind. But to give you some solace (and some top advice) we spoke to Michael Porter, founder of Skin Control (and former acne-sufferer). 

Even though Porter had an interest in skin care from a young age, it didn't make him exempt from experiencing acne. When he went looking for effective, affordable, innovative solutions on the Aussie market, he found that there was nothing that would actually help his skin., which is where the iconic Skin Control pimple patches came from (with a little K-beauty influence). 


What causes acne?

Acne can be caused by a myriad of things. One of the main contributors is excess oil. When excess oil (or sebum) gets too much, it can end up clogging your pores getting trapped beneath the surface. And that's where acne is generally born. Other triggers can be changes in hormones (like puberty and pregnancy) and external environmental factors (like your dirty pillow cases). 

If you're struggling through an acne breakout, it's always worth speaking to a dermatologist to find the most effective routine to help you through.

Acne-safe products & key ingredients

So, we're not going to sit here and list every ingredient know to help acne-prone skin. But some major must haves in your blemish-busting routine include the likes of niacinamide (A.K.A vitamin B3), retinoids and some of Skin Control's faves: salicylic acid and tea tree. 

But we'd say keep your eyes out for any serums looking to target acne breakouts and keep in mind ingredients that work for your skin (because what works for you might not work for your bestie). If you're on a tight budget and can only afford a few blemish-ridding picks we'd recommend looking for these three categories. 

Cleanser. Look, it goes without saying, we're all cleansing our faces multiple times a day. And if you've got oily, blemish-prone skin, it's a must. But finding a cleanser that specifically targets your acne at the root of the problem is key. The La Roche Posay Effaclar + M Foaming Gel ($31.95 at Chemist Warehousewalks the line of gentle and active-packed. 

Retinol. Like we said, it's one of those ingredients that just works. Known for it's skin 'purging', you may find your skin potentially get a little worse before it gets better. But this ingredient often comes with a dermatologist's tick of approval, as long as it's used carefully. Finding a gentle pick (often mixed with other skin-loving ingredients) like Paula's Choice Clinical 1% Retinol Treatment ($22 at Paula's Choice) is bound to help you on your journey.

Last, but certainly not least: pimple patches. The tiny little dots are infused with some majorly importantly blemish-absorbing ingredients, and wearing them can help protect your pimple from external factors. Our faves are the Skin Control Party Pack ($9 at Big Wbecause the cute little designs dotting our face allow us to confidently show face while still combatting the problem. And we're here for that. 

And while June might nearly be done (where did the time go?), there's more acne-empowerment around the corner. Acne-Positive Day lands on September 1st. So, be sure to snap up some makeup free selfies and use Reinhart's #breakoutbuddy tag to share your experiences and beautiful faces. Because at the end of the day, blemishes don't diminish who you are. 

Main Image Credit: @lilireinhart

Want to hear more relatable celeb stories? We've found out about Alix Earle's acne journey...

Emma Allcock began her career in the world of fashion and beauty in 2015, interning for various PR fashion houses. Naturally her love for style soon extended to beauty, and Emma landed firmly in the beauty and wellness world thanks to an internship-turned-role at local Australian fragrance brand Maison Blanche. One thing that remained consistent whether unpacking accessories or creating social content? Her commitment to an always-perfect manicure. Luckily, she’s since turned her talents to helping her readers achieve the same, writing about all things beauty and wellness. Emma is now a Content Producer for BEAUTYcrew, with her words and recommendations also appearing across beautyheaven. Emma loves the process of diving deep into the world of testing (and writing) about everything from haircare to fragrance. When she’s not slathering her skin in something new, she’s going for an early morning stroll to catch a stunning sunrise (coffee in hand, of course), because life’s all about that wellness balance after all.