SIMKA Alpha Omega-3

RRP $89.00

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SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 is next generation plant-based Omega-3. Organic, ethically sourced and vegan with no fishy taste during or after consumption. It is derived from an exclusive wild-type food-grade algae strain. Backed by science, sustainably sourced and environmentally friendly - making it the finest Omega-3 supplement on earth. 

Designed to support skin conditions including:

  • Dry & scaly skin
  • Atopic skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis & dermatitis)
  • Pigmentation
  • Acne (all grades)
  • Age management
  • Incomplete corneocyte compaction

Ingredients - Inner liquid: Water Extracted Chromista Algae Oil – Schizochytrium sp., natural tocopherol as an antioxidant. The algae we use is a single cell organism that has no known allergies.

*Average star rating within the product image is based on a Review Crew of 25 and is correct as of 27/08/2024.


SIMKA Alpha Omega-3


30 Reviews

Rating / Reviews

Incentivized Review

Fish Oil Supplement Without the Aftertaste

I recently started taking SIMKA Alpha Omega-3, and my experience with this supplement has been quite positive. As someone who has tried various fish oil supplements in the past, I often encountered issues with the unpleasant fishy aftertaste and the dreaded reflux throughout the day. However, SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 stands out by addressing these common problems effectively. One of the first things I noticed about SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 is how easy the capsules are to swallow. They’re smooth and go down without any difficulty, making the daily dosage routine effortless. This is a significant plus for anyone who struggles with taking larger supplements. Another major advantage of this product is the absence of the fishy aftertaste. Many fish oil supplements leave an unpleasant aftertaste or cause fishy burps, which can be off-putting. With SIMKA Alpha Omega-3, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was no such issue. The capsules have a neutral taste, and I didn’t experience any aftertaste at all, which made the entire process much more pleasant. Moreover, I typically experience reflux with fish oil supplements, which can be uncomfortable and discouraging. However, with SIMKA Alpha Omega-3, I didn’t experience any reflux whatsoever. This was a big relief for me and made me much more inclined to continue using the product regularly.
Incentivized Review

Great for healthy skin

This product was gifted to me as part of the beauty heaven trial team. Firstly, these SIMKA aloha omega-3 gel capsules were so easy to swallow and didn’t have a bad after taste at all. I was very impressed by this. Using them in conjunction with their masks my skin was very hydrated and I didn’t get any of the winter wind dry spots I am prone to. I didn’t notice any other benefits but was pleased with how my skin reacted to them as it also helped to calm the redness I get in the cold winter months.
Incentivized Review

Awesome alternative

I've been taking three Alpha Omega-3 Soft Gel capsules every morning for the past month. I was eager to try these Omega-3 capsules because I want to boost my Omega-3 intake for overall health, but I don’t eat enough fish. Previous fish oil or Omega-3 supplements I’ve tried have been too fishy and difficult to swallow. These capsules are ideal: I've finished the bottle over the last four weeks, and there’s no fishy smell or taste because they are vegan-friendly, made from an exclusive, wild-type, food-grade algae strain that’s backed by science, sustainably sourced, and environmentally friendly. I plan to buy them again to assess long-term results. While I haven't noticed significant visible benefits yet, I usually get dry patches and flaking on my skin in winter, including on my face, and I haven’t experienced any of that this season, which is a significant improvement. Highly recommended!
Incentivized Review

Best Omega-3 supplement!

After trialing the SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 supplements, I can confidently say that they are the best Omega-3 supplements I've ever tried! No fishy smell or taste, before AND after!!! I have been put off Omega-3 supplements in the past purely for that reason, so I'm very thankful to have been introduced to SIMKA's Alpha Omega-3 as it's been a much needed supplement for my seafood-less diet! The capsules themselves are also nice, soft gels that are really easy to take - a huge plus given that I take them 3 x a day. I've already noticed since starting these supplements, my skin is less dry and my eczema flare ups are completely under control, which has been a major issue for me this winter. I can't wait to see my skin improve even more with continued use!! I also really love that these supplements are organic, sustainably sourced and environmentally friendly. Knowing a brand's ethics are aligned to yours is the perfect cherry on top. An easy repurchase and 5/5 stars!!
Incentivized Review


I have never taken a supplement like this before. Directions say that you can take three capsules a day. I started taking three capsules before bed daily, I did really notice a difference. I like how they didn’t have a fishy smell nor a weird texture. The capsule was a good size to easy consume. I was quite skeptical about the benefits but they did show after a few days. I was not waking up so fatigued and my concentration was a lot better. I had minimal brain fog, I was loving these! I will definitely buy this product again.
Incentivized Review

Noticeably clearer skin

I have really enjoyed sampling these alpha omega gels. Since I have been taking these supplements, my skin has been clearer and felt healthier. I haven’t noticed a major difference in my hair or nails but my skin had been noticeable. I love that these gels are made with pure, unadulterated omega that has not been treated to any chemical processing. The packaging of this product is very visually appealing - simple and classy. I would recommend these gels to anyone. The price point may be difficult for people to afford on a regular basis - $80+ is a lot for the number of capsules you get.
Incentivized Review

SIMKA Alpha Omega-3

I’ve been using SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 capsules and I'm genuinely impressed with the results. The capsules are easy to swallow, and I was relieved that they didn’t leave any fishy aftertaste or repeat on me, which is often a concern with omega-3 supplements. After a few weeks, I noticed a significant boost in my energy levels, and my skin appeared noticeably more hydrated and radiant. I also appreciate that this product is sustainably sourced. However, the price is a bit steep for my budget, which is the only drawback. Despite this, the quality and benefits of the product make it worth considering for those who prioritise premium supplements. I would definitely consider repurchasing it if my budget allows for it.
Incentivized Review

Will continue with these!

I love that these gels are vegan and eco friendly! Made from algae oil it doesn’t have the fishy after taste that is common in other supplements and they are easy to swallow. I have noticed a difference in my skin health and I think after continued use this will only increase. There has been a boost to my energy levels throughout the day. I will continue to purchase these to see how the results continue after a longer period. I really love how these are sustainably sourced and environmentally friendly. That’s a big tick in my books!
Incentivized Review

No fishy aftertaste!

Clean, simply branding, love the packaging! What's even better is that these are vegan and have no fish oil in them. I've always hated taking traditional fish oil tablets for omega 3 and getting that dreaded after taste that comes up. With these you get absolutely none of that, and that's the best part of them. The tablets are a nice small size and easy to swallow. I started with the initial recommended dose of 3 per day to start, so unfortunately only got 3 weeks out of them, not big enough of a time period to truly judge whether I saw all the true benefits, especially the improvement in brain fog. My skin is looking fresh though, nice and plump!
Incentivized Review

Skin supplement

I have been taking the SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 capsules for several weeks now and can confirm that I have already started seeing a difference. These omega-3 are made with a soft gel making it really easy to swallow, despite the capsules being quite large. I have been taking the soft gels three times a day for the last 2 weeks. Within a few days of taking these my skin was visibly more hydrated and the joints in my fingers are less sore and swollen! I can't say that I have noticed any significant benefits that the product claims but it might become apparent after continued use. I am happy with this product.
Incentivized Review

Great daily tablet

I was excited to try this product as my skin and hair have been lacking my usual healthy glow and since post partum. I b was even more excited once I found out they were a vegan alternative and that the company has a strong ethical stance. I’ve been taking three tablets daily as recommended on the packaging. I know these things take time, longer than the trail period, but I’ve found my skin has regained some of its health and plumpness already. I’m going to continue to use it as so far I’m happy with the results. The tablets themselves were small but the shape made it difficult for me to swallow at times. But this was not a big negative for me as it wasn’t always a issue. It also had no after taste which was great.
Incentivized Review

Yay! A non fishy Omega-3

Easy to swallow at any time of the day they can be taken I took my 3 soft gel capsules in the morning over the past month. No fishy taste as there is no fish or fish product these are made from an exclusive wild-type food-grade algae strain fantastic for vegans and those of us that can’t stomach the fishy tablets. I have taken them in conjunction with the SIMKA Hydrating Bio-Cellulose Facial Mask this is the best my skin has felt in cooler months for a long time. I don’t have near as dry skin as usual, my skin has retained hydration and moisture for longer and it appears to have a more natural glow and healthier appearance. Definitely would repurchase again and recommend this to my family and friends.
Incentivized Review

Quality and Effectiveness in a capsule!

SIMKA Alpha Omega 3 soft gel capsules appear to be a solid option for those seeking an omega-3 supplement. I’ve been using these for many weeks now and have seen an improvement in my overall health; my mind feels clear and my skin is no longer overly dry. The capsules themselves are easy to swallow and don’t have a weird aftertaste. Omega-3 capsules can be a beneficial supplement for those looking to improve their overall health such as improved cardiovascular health, reduced joint pain, or enhanced mental clarity. The SIMKA capsules are also great as they are vegan friendly and cruelty and preservative free.
Incentivized Review

Very pleasant but no results.

Non-existent taste. Easy to swallow capsule - it doesn't have a powdery bitter coating. No fishy aftertaste because it's algae. The plastic bottle is good for travelling because it is lightweight and won’t shatter. I didn’t notice an improvement in my skin or brain functioning or any other area claimed, like immunity, unfortunately. It is quite expensive when you're taking three per day, as it’s not a huge jar. I am attracted to products that are easy to implement into my day - these can be taken at any time which is a plus.
Incentivized Review

A daily essential

After trying SIMKA Alpha Omega-3, I’m impressed with the results. The supplement has noticeably improved my joint mobility and mental clarity. I’ve also felt better overall in terms of heart health. The softgels have a surprisingly mild taste, which is a big plus compared to other omega-3 supplements I’ve used. The ease of taking just a few softgels a day and the convenience of the packaging make it a great addition to my routine. Overall, my experience with SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 has been positive, and it’s become a reliable part of my health regimen.
Incentivized Review

Environmentally friendly Omega-3

I love that this brand prides itself on Ethical and environmentally friendly practices and products. It really makes a difference when a brand has a passion in making a difference. These Omega-3 capsules use micro algae oil, and really do not have a fishy taste or aftertaste, which is great. For the the width of the capsule is a bit big to swallow, but the soft gel coating is good. After taking these Omega-3 capsules (I took 2 a day, but you can take 3) I did notice that I felt less tired each day and was thinking more clearly throughout the day. I would recommend this product, with its Ethical values in mind.
Incentivized Review

Highly recommended Omega-3 capsules

What an easy way to take omega 3. I have been taking 3 Simka Alpha Omega-3 tablets to boost my DHA levels and have already noticed a difference in my skin appearance and texture. I often get dry elbows and knees in winter which has cleared up and my usual irritated facial skin feels hydrated and brighter. The gel capsules are easy to take and have no initial taste or aftertaste. These are not targeted at hair and nails, however my nails are growing fast and strong and my hair is much shinier. I will continue to take these as a supplement as I much prefer these over fishy Omega-3 alternatives.
Incentivized Review

Good Vegan Alternative

As part of a trial, I was happy to try the SIMKA Alpha Omega 3 soft gels. I absolutely love that these are plant based, sustainably sourced and environmentally friendly. They were a pleasant enough supplement to add to my daily routine, in which I opted to take 3 per day. They were easy to swallow and had no noticeable flavour during or after consumption. Unfortunately, I didn’t actually notice any real difference to my overall skin health and it didn’t seem to make a difference to my psoriasis. Saying that though, I will continue taking these however, as I think a longer period of time may have some benefits. I would still recommend these gels, as I think it’s a great alternative for a vegan lifestyle.
Incentivized Review

Nothing Fishy About This Omega-3

I have been taking 3 of these Alpha Omega-3 Soft Gel capsules every morning for the last month. I was excited to take these Omega-3 capsules as I am wanting to increase my Omega-3 for health benefits inside and out but don’t eat enough fish and fish oil or omega-3 capsules I’ve taken in the past are way too fishy and I can’t swallow them. These capsules are perfect I’ve finished the bottle over the past 4 weeks, no fish smell or taste because they are vegan friendly being derived from a exclusive wild-type food-grade algae strain also backed by science, sustainably sourced and environmentally friendly. I would purchase this again to see results after a longer period of use, whilst I am yet to experience any real noticeable visible benefits I will say usually in winter I get dry patches of skin and can experience flaking even on parts of my face and haven’t had any which is a big improvement for me. Highly recommend.
Incentivized Review

Great for dry winter skin!

I have had the opportunity to trial the amazing SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 supplement for the last couple of weeks now, and starting to see a real difference in my skin! I have been using alongside the face masks, and can see a clear improvements in my redness and eczema. My skin through winter has been very dry, and I have been suffering from the worst eczema I have ever had. 3-4 weeks on this and I’m feeling so much better. My face is moisturized and clear, and my arms and legs are clearing up! I would definitely recommend for any other suffers out there, and it has the added bonus of been all natural and vegan friendly!