How to remove eyelash extensions at home

These are your options if you want to go down the DIY route
These are your options if you want to go down the DIY route
Sadly, all good things must come to an end at some point. And for your luscious eyelash extensions, that point is at about the three to four week mark. Now, when you reach the point when your I-don’t-need-mascara, yes-they’re-real-wink-wink faux lashes start to fall out naturally (don’t freak out - this happens due to your lashes’ natural growth cycle and there’s nothing you can do to stop it), you have two options: go to a professional who can gently remove them with the help of an eyelash glue remover (while this option does require money and time, it’s definitely the one we recommend), or remove them yourself at home.
Opting for the latter? These are your options for how to remove eyelash extensions at home - safely.
Chances are before you got your lash extensions, you brushed up on all the ‘what not to do’ tips. Good. Because they’re about to come in handy.
You know that big no-no about using oil-based products on your eyes when you have eyelash extensions? Well, when you want to actually get rid of them, that’s exactly what you need to use.
Oil-based products are enemy of eyelash extensions as they loosen the lash glue over time.
Here’s how to remove eyelash extensions:
Eye makeup remover
Grab yourself an oil-based eye makeup remover like Bobbi Brown Instant Long-Wear Makeup Remover, gently soak a cotton pad with the solution, and delicately wipe it over your lashes. Many of the lashes will just wipe away on your first go. To get all of the lashes, you’ll need to repeat this a couple of times. Just be careful not to irritate your eyes - don’t rub and repeat this step no more than three times in one go. If a few stubborn lash extensions remain after your first try, wait at least an hour before having another crack.

Coconut oil
Yep, good ol’ coconut oil strikes again. If you would prefer to use a more natural approach, you can use coconut oil in the same way you would an oil-based cleanser to dissolve the lash glue and swipe those little lashes away.
Olive oil
Olive oil is another pantry staple that works wonders, and is gentle on your eyes (on, not in - always be careful with any solution near your eyes).
Thinking about trying eyelash extensions? Here’s everything you need to know before you get them, plus how to take care of them, and a word of warning (courtesy of Bec Judd’s horror story) for anyone with sensitive eyes thinking about getting them done.
Do you get eyelash extensions regularly? How do you remove yours?
Main image credit: Getty

Chelsea is BEAUTYcrew’s Contributing Editor. She has a sweet spot for anything that claims to make skin glow and won’t leave the house without a slick of mascara. Chelsea has 10 years of experience as a beauty editor and her words can be found on BEAUTYcrew, Women’s Health, Daily Addict, The Joye and Primped.