9 (extra) hydrating moisturisers for super dry skin

Meet the moisture MVPs your complexion's been crying out for
By Delaney Loane
Digital Beauty Editor / June 28 2024
'Moisturisers for dry skin' kind of seems like an obvious category, right? Moisturisers aim to (shocker) moisturise, so um, aren't they all for dry skin?
Well, sure, most of 'em can help your hydration levels; the name literally confirms it. But when it's all said and sunk in, there are moisturisers for dry skin and then there are moisturisers for dry skin.
Put it this way; some formulas are like hydration's form of a handshake (perfectly fine but not particularly life-changing) and some are its version of a hug (AKA more intense, longer-lasting and through the roof on the comforting scale).
So, if your parched complexion is in need of the latter category, allow us to suggest something from our round-up of above-average hydrators. Here are the best moisturisers for dry skin, designed to nip dehydration right in the bud...

Main image credit: @tatcha
After a cleanser for dry skin too? Here are our favourite formulas...